

Marketing + Technical Info
名称 类别 描述  
ADAS 传感器和 ECU 用 Therma-Tec - 产品简报 Product/Service Overview 了解 Therma-Tech 材料如何影响汽车 ADAS 传感器、摄像头和 ECU 的发展 查看
Cesa™防鼠防蚁技术 Product/Service Overview Masterbatch additives for long-term cable protection against rats and termites, compliant with the EU BPR. 查看
Alternatives to Nylon 6,6 Product/Service Overview 了解尼龙 6,6 的潜在替代材料,以应对当前的短缺 查看
Flexcart™ Micro Liquid Metering System Flyer Product/Service Overview Learn about the benchtop version of the FlexCart system, which is ideal for smaller operations.  查看
Versaflex™ PF Solutions for Surface Protection Films (Spanish) Product/Service Overview Versaflex™ PF 配方专为制造共挤表面保护膜而开发 查看
Gravi-Tech™ - 产品简报(英文版) Product/Service Overview 产品描述、价值解决方案、特点、市场和终端应用(英文版) 查看
ColorMatrix™ TripleA™ Product Information - Brochure Product/Service Overview Product information and technical data sheet for ColorMatrix™ TripleA™ additive technology, which reduces Acetaldehyde levels in PET packaging 查看
Healthcare Industry Bulletin Color & Additives - Industry Bulletin/Overview Industry Overview Avient healthcare solutions, qualifications and USP Class VI Colors 查看
电脑鼠标 - 案例研究 案例分析 Versaflex™ TPE 用于制造具有柔软触感的符合人体工学的电脑鼠标 查看
CPSIA Questions & Answers - White Paper 白皮书 Guidance on the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) for small businesses, resellers, crafters and charities 查看
高级烈酒瓶塞 - 案例研究(英文版) 案例分析 尊贵的 Gravi-Tech 高密度瓶塞专注于烈酒行业展示的奢华感受(英文版) 查看
ColorMatrix™ Optica™ Global PRT Toner Dispersions Product/Service Overview Best practices for handling and using ColorMatrix™ Optica™ Global PRT Toner Dispersions 查看
ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ SX (Portuguese language version) Product/Service Overview Product description, value solution, key characteristics, target market, applications and technology benefits of ColorMatrix™ Lactra™ SX Light Blocking Additive for PET (Portuguese language version) 查看
GLS™ TPE 婴儿护理解决方案指南 - 产品选购指南(中文版) 产品选型指南 安全、耐用且符合法规要求应用的理想 TPE,可用于奶嘴、奶瓶和浴缸等(中文版) 查看
Outdoor Industry Overview - Brochure Industry Overview Read about our polymer solutions for outdoor gear and equipment 查看
ECCOH™ XL 可交联解决方案 Product/Service Overview 用于阻燃电线和电缆的湿固化交联、低烟无卤 (LSFOH) 配方 查看
OnColor™ HC Plus - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Polymer colorants formulated specifically for healthcare product applications 查看
OnColor™ Brilliant Metallics - Product Bulletin (Chinese) Product/Service Overview Learn how OnColor Brilliant Metallic Colorants produce a striking look for polymer parts (Chinese language version) 查看
Maxxam™ LO - Product Bulletin Product/Service Overview Talc-Filled Polypropylene for Underhood Automotive HVAC Uses  查看
用于医疗保健的热塑性弹性体 - 行业公告 Industry Overview 为严苛的医疗保健应用提供专业的热塑性弹性体解决方案 查看
ColorMatrix™ Flexcart™ Overview Product/Service Overview Explore Avient's liquid metering systems specifically designed for thermoplastic processes  查看
Cesa™ Light Diffusion Automotive Solutions Brochure Application Overview Learn more about Avient's light diffusion solutions  查看
Railway Cables - Case Study 案例分析 ECCOH™ cable compounds meet London Underground requirements for low smoke and toxicity 查看
ColorMatrix™ PET Packaging - Product Selection Guide (English) 产品选型指南 Brief overview of factors to consider when choosing PET as a packaging material and ColorMatrix™ product summary (English language version) 查看
Explanation of Spectrophotometric Data - Fact Sheet Product/Service Overview Fact sheet explaining spectrophotometric data 查看
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